'databind' does not appear in Datagridview properties


New member
Dec 5, 2009
Programming Experience
I am not able to see 'databind' in Datagridview properties on my machine.

Am I missing any library? I tried System.Data.Oledb

Also, I am not able to see any Connection, Adapter tool icons in my ToolBox.

What is this problem? Kindly guide.
DataBind wouldn't be a property anyway. DataBind is a method used to bind data to web controls. For WinForms controls you generally just set the DataSource property, although you may have to set the DataMember of a DataGridView too, depending on what you assign to the DataSource.

From VS 2005 the SqlConnection, OleDbDataAdapter, etc. are not in the Toolbox by default because, if you want to add data access items at design time, you are far better off using the Data Source wizard to create a typed DataSet. That will then add TableAdapters to your Toolbox that do the job of connections and adapters and more besides. Like any components, you can add the others to the Toolbox manually but there really is no point.