what do you mean by a web service? and how would it work? would the application connect to a web service which would connect to a database on the host? and then would that send the data back to the app?
The simplest way of describing a web service is to say "it is a web site intended to be used by a computer rather than a human"
A website like this lets you do something: post questions, post answers, etc
There is a "new topic" function, a "post reply" function, an "upload attachment" function
Web services also have functions, but they expose them an a strict way, described by XML. This means a tool like Visual Studio can connect to it, download and understand the XML and say "ah, this web service exposes 3 functions: NewTopic, PostReply, UploadAttachment"
It then generates a block of code for you that you use in your code:
Dim wsclient as New BlahBlahWebServiceClient
wsclient.NewTopic("What is a web service?", "Hi guys, here is my question.. Blah Blah Blah")
Think of the client as like a web browser, except your code uses it instead of a human
The web service connects to the back end database. It hence restricts the things possible (compared to exposing your db to the internet which you would then have to lock down so random people cant hack in and delete all the data) to just 3 things: NewTopic, PostReply, UploadAttachment
The good thing about web services is that they use a common language to describe themselves. Someone can write a PERL or a java program to communicate with your service, so your app can be expanded to work on, say a PDA or mobile phone by writing a small client targeted to the device in use. If your web service booked holidays for example, then a door to door salesman could carry a smartphone with a java client in it, using your web service and booking holidays. This could be much better than using a web browser on a phone to connect to a web site, and render the pages, but as you can see the theory is the same:
human<->web browser <-html-> web site.
human<->dedicated webserviceclient <-xml-> webservice
It's jsut another way of distibuting an app, but a more controlled and usable one. Someone might even write a website that uses your web service, then you have:
If youre going the web service route, do it using WCF