Database filtering


Apr 26, 2007
Programming Experience
what would be the codes in filtering a database. for example... a window form has textbox and datagrid. the datagrid is connected to a database name "ronan". and "Ronan" has data field name "Account#", "Name", and "Address". on run time the database is not yet open. the textbox can only accept numbers wich refers to account#. on typing the account#. if the legth of the textbox is 3 or more than, the database will open and it will appear the list of in the database ronan that has the same account# that starts in the numbers inputed in the textbox. hope this explanation could help you to understand what i am trying to ask for help. thank you.
have a read of the dw1 link in my signature.. the answer will be in there, but im not sure where. You might be looking for sections related to searching data or parameterized queries..