Data Types from Ms Access


Nov 6, 2007
Programming Experience
Hi all,

Is there some way to convert varibles pulled from access so as they
can be used like regular varibles ie number (access) -> int/float/double (


So far I've taken in a value from an access db into a dataset.
One of these values is a numebr.

I want to loop throught the dataset totaling the number. but I'm not sure how as it will be in the number data type fdrom access. It's giving me trouble when i try to put it into a int. Same problem with text -> string


So far I've taken in a value from an access db into a dataset.
One of these values is a numebr.

I want to loop throught the dataset totaling the number. but I'm not sure how as it will be in the number data type fdrom access. It's giving me trouble when i try to put it into a int. Same problem with text -> string


Eh? you'd design your custom dataset so that the column is a number. Further, you wouldnt "loop through it" yourself, you'd just make another column called TotalOfWhatever and set its .Expression property to SUM(WhateverColumnName)

Now every row in that table will have the sum of all rows, and it auto updates when a row changes

SOunds like youre not doing your Data Access correctly. Read the DW2 linki in my sig, starting with Creating a Simple Data App section