Question Data loading speed at user side


Oct 24, 2008
Programming Experience
I got an application that install at user side , but when the user try to load the data is takes almost 20 sec to load the 1st data, compare with my own pc that wih vs 2005 installed that just take within 5sec to load.:(

Any extra package of file need to be install at the user side so that the application can run as smooth the in the pc with vs 2005 installed?:confused:
What data is it? From where is the app loading the data?
Sql Server on local machine or from other machine in network?
If from local machine how is its specs compared to dev.machine and compared to requirements/recommandations of the Sql Server version you're using?
If from network machine is the machine specs different? How is the network bandwidth and normal usage?
The data is load through network from a server. i dunt think that any relate to the machine spec since i had test on 2 pc with the same spec, and the only different is 1 with vs 2005 installed run smoothly , and another without the vs installed load the data slow.:confused:
If both the dev.machine and the user machine have same specs (hardware, OS and AV/firewall) and get the data from same location through same network, I'd say look into network settings. A deployed release config app should in fact run slightly faster than the debug mode app, apart from that they use same Framework libraries. Also try turning the firewall off for measures, they can have some intricate settings.