Customer Data Type.


Active member
Aug 23, 2012
Programming Experience
I am new in i made a program that show the customer data types the program is running and do not show any error but the problem is that the customer information shows in the label control not the texbox.

kindly help me
You are assuming that we have some prior knowledge of your project. We don't. We only know what you tell us. What Label? What TextBox? What customers? If the data is not displaying then it's because you're not displaying it. You haven't shown us what you're doing so we can't possibly know what's wrong with it. As suggested, please show us your code but ONLY the RELEVANT code.
Customer Data Type (attach code file)

I am new in i made a program that show the customer data types the program is running and do not show any error but the problem is that the customer information shows in the label control not the texbox. attach code file

kindly help me


  • attach.txt
    2 KB · Views: 24
You haven't anything in your code to show me what kind of control you are referring to. Good practice is to prefix your names, for example txtMyTextbox, lblMyLabel etc.

I guess these controls are labels rather than the textboxes you wanted since their values are showing on the labels?

      company.Text = aCustomer.Company

      customersince.Text = aCustomer.CustomerSince

      Address.Text = aCustomer.Address

      city.Text =

      country.Text = aCustomer.Country

      balance.Text = aCustomer.Balance

It is worth pointing out too that your code does some weird stuff. Long winded for what you are trying to achieve and your use of the array is weird. You declare an array of 8 customer objects, add 2 customers to index 1 and 2 (arrays are 0 based) and then call an array.length even though you hard coded the length.
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