Custom controls and user controls need to have the Global keyword (???)


Feb 25, 2008
Programming Experience
Without knowing the reason my application has started to act 'strange'.
If I drag a custom control or a user control on my form, Visual Studio says my controls need to be proceeded by Global, although it generated the code itself in the designer class of my form
Dim myLabel as new App.TitleLabel
must be
Dim myLabel as new Global.App.TitleLabel.

Does anyone know what might be the cause of this error?

I've put the components in the applicaton root directory, all in the same directory, all in separate directories, but still the same result:
- I open a form --> designer turns white
- I close and reopen it again --> I can design my form
- As soon as I change something on my form, the designer code drops the Global keyword and doesn't compile anymore

This is really frustrating :mad:
I finally figured out what the problem was, it was very stupid: I had a form with the same name as my Assembly.