Hello all,
Im kinda new to this but would like to become more familier.
Im having a problem with Crystal Reports Web Veiwer.
When I first run the application, the report loads fine.
I want to put the refresh button on the Web Veiwer. This is where is gets tricky.
When I refresh the application with the refresh provided from crystal reports web veiwer, it gives me "CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.LogOnException: Logon failed." I have searched everywhere and cannot find a solution. Please Help
Im kinda new to this but would like to become more familier.
Im having a problem with Crystal Reports Web Veiwer.
When I first run the application, the report loads fine.
I want to put the refresh button on the Web Veiwer. This is where is gets tricky.
When I refresh the application with the refresh provided from crystal reports web veiwer, it gives me "CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.LogOnException: Logon failed." I have searched everywhere and cannot find a solution. Please Help