Crystal report print button doesn't work


New member
Oct 14, 2008
Programming Experience
Hi every one,
I made crystal report and i put crystal report viewer in my form when I run I got the report but the print button inside the report doesn't work, the export button also doesnot work and the button of next page same thing WHAT is the PROBLEM :mad: :mad: :mad: when I check the report in preview report every thing work but in the form NOTHING WORK
HELP ME PLZ PLZ PLZ :'( :'( :'(
I solved the problem

I solved the problem :):):):)
put the report in new form and don't put it in table then check the popup locked in your internet explorer for printing and exporting..
also search in the internet for 13 dll file you must put inside BIN
That is it
Hope it work
Happy Coding :p