Creating lines on photos..


Apr 12, 2007
Programming Experience
As I have said in other threads I am still learning .Net so I hope this isn't a daft question.

What I am trying to do is:

Open a picture, in a picturebox.

Click a button to allow me to pick a point and zoom into it

Select another button to allow me to draw a line, this line will be the long side of a right angled triangle (hypotonuse????).

I am then wanting to be able to calculate the amount to rotate the image in order to make the hypoto??? the horizontal line in a picture.

So far I have created a form with a picture box on it and a few buttons, one opens a file, the other zooms another creates a triangle.

Now my problem is I can open the file ok, also select and return the pixel points of where I want the line/triangle to be, but I can't work out how to draw the line on the picture, or to get the zoom button working so it zooms to a particular point.

I have found some code from a book that allows me to draw boxes, triangles, etc in the paint part, but obviously these are drawn in prior to the picture loading so it is of no use.

What do I need to do?

I am using Visual Studio 2003, on windows 2000.


Matt Hirst