Creating Excel file from VB.NET Application


New member
Feb 27, 2007
Programming Experience
I have a windows application that I want to create an excel file at the click of a button. I have no idea how to do this. Can anybody give me a few tips or alternativly give me a link to somewhere that explains this in detail.

Thanks for your help

If you just want a basic excel file, you can simply write out a text file CSV format, and when you open it with excel, it will automatically convert for you.

If you want to do additional formatting, you can use Excel Interop, i.e. reference "Microsoft Excel Object Library" on the COM tab, and then Dim xls As New Excel.Application, etc. For more info, google "Excel Interop VB.NET".
use the microsoft office interop assemblies in your vb app, this way you can use the excel.application class to make and update excel files, i might know of a good excel driver class i made to use the interop class(es) to handle the files

give me a day or two to find em and i'll post a link to where you can dl the 2003 and 2007 interop assemblies