Question Creating an Excel Chart


Apr 20, 2009
Programming Experience
I am trying to create a program which will output data from a database and produce and Excel file with data and a chart.

I have been able to create the Excel file and the data to go in. However, I have not been able to create the chart as I want to. What I am doing is create a workbook as object, then calling CreateObject("excel.application"). I am then able to insert data into a spreadsheet.

I was hoping that there would be a similar method of creating a chart as an object so I don't have to use Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel. However, when I have looked on the Internet, all the examples use CreateObject for setting up the spreadsheet then using Excel.Chart through the interop.

Firstly, is there a way to create a chart object as object without the interops? If not, when using the interop.Excel, would this be compatible with only one version of Excel?

Thank you in advance. :D