You should have a table for each entity. You need to have a Customer table, an Order table and an OrderItem table. The Customer table has all the details of the customers. The Order table has all the details of the order, like the ID of the customer, which is the link to the Customer table, and any info specific to that order like a custom delivery address. The OrderItem table would contain an entry for each item ordered. It would contain an order ID, which is the link to the Order table, and an item ID, which is the link to the Stock table (which you would also need to store information about every item you have in stock), and a quantity. You should ABSOLUTELY NEVER be doing what you suggested and adding new tables like that. You need to go back to basics and work out exactly what your entities are and create one table for each entity. If you don't know what an Entity-Relationship Diagram is, I suggest you find out and draw one for your database before you even think about implementing anything. As an example, in your case your entities would be things like StockItem, Supplier, Customer, Order, OrderItem, etc. and you need one table for each of those entities. Then, every customer is a row in the Customer table, every supplier is a row in the Supplier table, etc.