Creating a log file


New member
Feb 18, 2011
Programming Experience
Hi all

Currently i am working in project . there one requirement is there like
There is a log file(c:\log.txt)
i need to develop a windows service that will update the log file every day when ever a pc will shut down the service need to create a log entry in the log file as well as when ever the pc will start then there should be a log entry in the log file.

kindly suggest me
plz help me
So, are you asking how to create the file, as the thread title suggests, or are you actually asking how to detect when PCs start up and shut down? Please be clear about what the actual problem is because if we have to make assumptions then we can make incorrect assumptions.
The actual problem is

I need a .net windows service which will update a log file (Ex:C:\log.txt)when the PC will starts (Power on) also when the PC is shut down.