Creating a GUID dynamically online in ASP?, then getting it into my .exe file


Sep 15, 2007
Programming Experience
My question is........ first, say I have a payment processing scheme, and after a value is returned letting the program know that a sucessful payment is made, that somehow I dynamically create a GUID, (or something of the like). I want to have it somehow embedded in the program as well as well as sent to the buyer so that he can enter in that GUID and it unlocks the program. So somehow I want to generate a GUID, either inside the program or outside of it which either way is incorperated into the program, and so that I have a copy of it. I want this all to be able to be done dynamically and I assume it would have to be done in ASP.NET as it doesen't seem feasable to run a .exe program on the web. Any leads? Or perhaps there is some sort of "shell" that I can embed my program in that will do this for me. Any ideas?

Thanks, I am aware of how to make a GUID, but trying to get the GUID to be created and then inserted into the program as well as e-mailed to the user is my problem. Any ideas on this?

