Creating a DLL that resides on shared drive??


Feb 6, 2007
Programming Experience
We want to create a DLL from VB.NET 2.0 and have it reside on a shared drive. A bunch of other programs will use this DLL that will also be ran from the shared drive. The problem I'm having is:

A) When the DLL is referenced in a program and built it pulls the DLL local to that directory. I don't want this as I want it to use the DLL on the shared drive so if any changes are done to that all programs would use the new version.

B) If I remove the DLL from the local exe dir the program doesn't work. I then look into the whole GAC install, but it seems that would install the DLL (Assembly) to the users local GAC, which again is something that I don't want. I want the DLL to remain on the shared drive and for all those programs to use that DLL on the shared drive.

Anyone have any idea how I can achieve this?
