Question creating a datafile for application to protect


New member
Feb 24, 2009
Programming Experience
I hope anyone can help me, or put me in the right direction.
I have never thought about it until I wanted to do this.

I need to build an app which requires sounds, pics, flash media etc.
which I would like to protect, don't want the user to steal it. Well I mean make it TOO easy for users to exchange data. The group of users I am focussing on will not be computer experts, so I am not too orried about them stealing it, but I don;t want to give it to them on a silver platter.

The thing here is: I want the user to have this data because it will be too much to pull from a remote server everytime as it has to go over the internet. So I need to give it along with the app. I would like to put all sounds, pics etc in a data file, and use it from there. this way if I update some data, the user only needs to update the data file once in a while.

I only have no idea how to use a data file...

I hope it's clear, I think it's the same style as a virus scanner program, which updates only .dat files.

thanks everyone for thinking along!