Creating a COM DLL and using it in a VBScript


New member
May 7, 2008
Programming Experience
Hi to all!
I created a VB.Net COM DLL which I can use in VBScript.
I followed the steps in the following article:
(I used the method "with COM class template")

My DLL got created fine - no errors in build process.
The "Make Assembly COM-Visible" checkbox is checked.

the ComClass1 class is below (dll / assembly name is ClassLibrary1):

<ComClass(ComClass1.ClassId, ComClass1.InterfaceId, ComClass1.EventsId)> _
Public Class ComClass1

    Public Sub Importa(ByRef o As VISUMLIB.Visum)
    End Sub

#Region "GUID COM"
    ' Questi GUID forniscono l'identità COM per la classe 
    ' e le sue interfacce COM. Se vengono modificati, i client 
    ' esistenti non saranno più in grado di accedere alla classe.
    Public Const ClassId As String = "381f7f94-e48b-431d-bdaa-2068442c90e6"
    Public Const InterfaceId As String = "2dded33c-22ac-4816-a2f2-ec8d228686b3"
    Public Const EventsId As String = "2d8d4753-4d5e-4b58-b75c-6e3fab5dad8a"
#End Region

    ' È possibile creare classi COM solo se dispongono di una Public Sub New() 
    ' senza parametri. In caso contrario, infatti, la classe non può essere 
    ' registrata nel registro COM e non può essere creata 
    ' con CreateObject.
    Public Sub New()
    End Sub

End Class
As you can see I created a public method called Importa that accept as input a COM object from a library referenced in .NET ("VISUMLIB")

Then I wrote a vbscript which creates an instance of the object:

Set dllobject = CreateObject("ClassLinrary1.ComClass1")
It works correctly!

Then I put in the vbs script then statement:

dllobject.Importa comobjectname

The output is a msgbox with "True" (result of MsgBox(Marshal.IsComObject(o)).
So the object I'm sending to the dll method is a true COM object.
The problem is in the statement inside the sub: "o.Net.Marking.Clear()"
I'm trying to execute the method Clear() of the container "o.Net.Marking".

In my development machine everything works corretly.
But I tried to install the dll (I created a setup) and when It comes to execute the statement

The vbscript breaks with the following error:
"Unable to cast COM object of type "VISUMLIB.VisumClass" to interface type
'VISUMLIB.IVisum'. This operation failed
because the QueryInterface call on the COM component for the interface with
IID '{33B2B132-69BE-4ADE-A90E-939972B93FD5}' failed due to the following
error: No such interface supported (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004002
Can you help me sith any suggestions?
Thank you very much

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