Create Queries

A little vague, but I guess you mean how to string together a query while a progrm is running?

One way, would be to have some textboxes, such as one for table name, one for which rows to select, and maybe an optional where clause? For select at least.

Then you would have a click event on a control such as a button, when that is pressed, you add the values of the textboxes into a variable.

At the end you could write the result to a textbox or MessageBox.Show("") it.

Any questions, reply

Hope This Helps
Sorry , I should be more clear ...

what I meant was how do I create Ms Access Queries through Code ...

You can create queries inside Ms-Access in Design time. Actually it's just an SQL statement that is defined in Ms-Access so you won't have to create it again and again ( kind of view ) .

How do I create one in VB.NET ?

I want to create on and save it in Ms_Access so I won't have to re-create it again and again . I couldn't see a CREATE VIEW or CREATE QUERY option for doing that ...

I'm looking at this now as well...did anybody have a solution? I had an example of it a month ago, but my colleague went and erased that project. :|
I would think that you would have to use Automation, just like you would if you wanted to do something in Word or Excel. I guess ADOX might do it, but I've never used it so I can't say.