Create image list with databinding


New member
Jun 10, 2007
Programming Experience
Hi, I was wondering if anyone could help with this issue.

I have a sql database table that stores title, images{link to each image in a folder} and other columns.

I would like the images to be listed with the title at the bottom. I know how to do the databinding but I cannot figure out how to list the images, maybe three per row.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks :)
I think you've got confused about database layout, or I'm confused (as is Cjard) by your question.

If in your table you have multiple rows with the SAME title (hence multiple rows with images for the same title) THIS IS BAD DATABASE DESIGN.

You should have 2 different tables, Title and Images.

Title - TitleID (primary key), TitleName, Author (relevant info you want to store)

Images - ImageID (primary key), ImagePath, TitleID (foreign key)

You then use a relationship to link Title to Images. this means that your program can access Parent / child data.
i.e. select a title and view all images for this title in a seperate grid.

If this is the case, seriously search on google for "basic database design" to get yourself familier with that, cause what you're doing is wrong!!

If however, I've got the wrong impression, then accept my apologies :D
I think he's asking us how to create an HTML gallery, but it's so confusing that I cant be bothered probing him for the info. Just gonna wait and see if he wants to expand on his question.