CR (VB2005) Parameter report loading many times


Well-known member
Mar 11, 2005
Midlands, UK
Programming Experience
I have a report which has a subreport.

It was all working fine and I haven't made any changes to the report or the code that I can think of.

For some reason, when I load the report now (based on ID number), it loads the same report many times. The parent report is 1 page, and the sub-report can variate. Lets say the sub report is 4 pages long so the total number of pages SHOULD BE 5...

Well, I'm getting about 135 pages in the report...main page, then subreport, then the same main page, then the subreport again, then the same main get the point.

I have no idea whats causing this. The only thing I changed was the way which the data is loaded into my report dataset, but I've used DataSet Visulizer and it all loads as expected - only once!

Anyone come across the same problem? Just my luck to happen 2 days before release :mad:

Figured it.

For some reason my table links in the report had gone haywire, thus meaning it was loading the same data for;

(a) every single customer contact
(b) every single customer site

changed the links back to what they should be and working as normal now

(wipes the HUGE sweat from forehead, and stop contemplating the programmer's favourite suicide - death by coffee)