I'm trying to write a simple countdown program that executes a specifik command at a given time. You are supposed to type in ex. "15:00:00" for the program to execute at three o'clock (swedish time). That's no problem, but I want to visual countdown to that, so that you can see exactly how much time is left until the program executes.
Example: "Time until program executes: 01:37:42"
Can anyone help me please? It's for school and is supposed to be done on friday (and so you know, i'm allowed to ask the internet for help
Thanks in advance!
I'm trying to write a simple countdown program that executes a specifik command at a given time. You are supposed to type in ex. "15:00:00" for the program to execute at three o'clock (swedish time). That's no problem, but I want to visual countdown to that, so that you can see exactly how much time is left until the program executes.
Example: "Time until program executes: 01:37:42"
Can anyone help me please? It's for school and is supposed to be done on friday (and so you know, i'm allowed to ask the internet for help
Thanks in advance!