Question Could this Java-applet be rebuild using ASP.NET?


Oct 26, 2008
Programming Experience
Hello folks,

I'm trying to run a java-built LED-ticker like the one over here:
using the webbrowser control.
Unfortunately I keep getting this error:
"Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory has been corrupted "

I have tried a hundred things but nothing works.
I also tried the "solution" found over here but of course this doesn;t work for me:

call $(DevEnvDir)..\tools\vsvars32.bat
editbin.exe /NXCOMPAT:NO $(TargetPath)

I don't believe in a solution for this problem anymore, and I would therefore like to know whether it'spossible to rebuild something like that Java-applet
using and, without using any javascript?????????
You most certainly can make a .net control that does that, I don't know where you'd want to begin.
I want to build an exact copy of that LED-ticker, only with a different text.
I think I should start with the background (it's not an image) but I have no idea how I could do that...
Well I would start with the control drawing it's own background and to do that I'd imagine that you'd want to set up a grid of lights (the circles that change colors) and the border