could some one complete my assignment please

yasir khan

New member
Mar 23, 2006
south shields, united kingdom
Programming Experience
hi could anyone please complete my assignment please

Problem Scenario
Glenburnie Zoo opens to the public every day from Easter to the end of September. In order to encourage a better understanding of the needs of the animals and how to care for them the Zoo offers several opportunities for the public to learn more about zoo keeping. These opportunities are detailed below

Feed the Seals & Penguins. A chance to help the keeper to prepare the fish and then feed the seals and penguins
Cost £28 plus 7.50 for each additional person. Minimum age 10.

Half Day “Working with a Zoo Keeper”. Attend the zoo for a full half day. Introduced to a selection of the animals, the “tools of the trade” and help muck out and feed some of the mammals.
Cost £45. plus £8.50 or each additional person. Minimum age 18

Full Day “Working with a Zoo Keeper”. Attend the zoo for a full day. Introduced to a selection of the animals, the “tools of the trade” and help muck out and feed some of the mammals. Includes lunch.
Cost £95. plus £17.25 for each additional person. Minimum age 18

A maximum party size of 4 is allowed for all these opportunities. Only one party per day per activity can be accommodated.

Visitors to the Zoo need to book at least one week in advance. Your system will need to enter the visitor’s details – name, age, house number, post code and phone number together with the names and ages of each additional member in the party. The total cost should be calculated and displayed. If the user wishes to book they should then indicate their preferred date. Bookings are kept in a database. Your system will need to check the date against the current bookings. If the date is free the system should add the new booking to the database. If the date is not free, the user should be informed.