i am trying to copy to pendrive.
first i am showing a list of file and user clicks to select the files he wants and the selected file(s) get added to listview.
one user select the file(s) he wants and listview is populated he click the btnCopy.
if the user selects single file then this codes works fine. but if user selects more than 1 file there is a error.
for copying i am using threading.
so can some one help me in copying multiple files(all the selected files by the user.)
first i am showing a list of file and user clicks to select the files he wants and the selected file(s) get added to listview.
one user select the file(s) he wants and listview is populated he click the btnCopy.
if the user selects single file then this codes works fine. but if user selects more than 1 file there is a error.
for copying i am using threading.
so can some one help me in copying multiple files(all the selected files by the user.)
Private Sub btnCopy_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCopy.Click
End Sub
#Region "Thread To Copy Files"
Class TasksClass
Friend SourceFilePath As String
Friend DriveLetterForDestination As String
Friend VideoClipNameWithFileExtensionFrmDB As String
Sub DoCopying()
My.Computer.FileSystem.CopyFile(SourceFilePath, DriveLetterForDestination & VideoClipNameWithFileExtensionFrmDB, True)
End Sub
End Class
Sub DoWork1()
Dim Tasks As New TasksClass()
Dim Thread1 As New System.Threading.Thread( _
AddressOf Tasks.DoCopying)
Tasks.SourceFilePath = VideoFilePathFrmDB
Tasks.DriveLetterForDestination = DriveLetterForDestination
Tasks.VideoClipNameWithFileExtensionFrmDB = VideoClipNameWithFileExtensionFrmDB
End Sub
#End Region