converting problem from other versions of vb...


Aug 2, 2006
Programming Experience
I used to develop in vb6 and now I turn to vb net 2005
I have converted a source code from vb net 2003 and when I run it in vb net 2005 the controll buttons change to regular buttons , not xp like ,
in vb 2005 the controlls are like xp theme ( more sharp and round) and after conversion it looses it.

another very important question:
how can I convert vb6 source code into vb net 2005 - please its very important , when I do convertion it give me only a text file with some unclear text
please help me with it - I am sort of beginner so please clear explanation. :) :) :)
" vb net 2005 the controll buttons change to regular buttons , not xp like"
"in vb 2005 the controlls are like xp theme"


we might need to see the logfile result of the conversion. some sections of code might need to be rewritten. it's worth noting that VB6 and VB2005 share a lot of keywords, but the two are very different beasts, and you will need to upgrade your programming methods to more .net ways of thinking to be truly successful with the language. do you have access to any books on the subject?
no I don't... PLEASE ENTER!!!

I don't have any book of this subject
but as a very new at vb net 2005 I must find a solution to my vb6 programs , I dont know why programs that are written in vb net 2003 when converted , they are also loose their look as xp buttons.
right now I don't have a sample code but I am sure that if you take a simple calculator application which was made by vb net 2003 , you'll see that the buttons changes to regular , why is that? can you tell me please what changes I suppose to make for returning back the xp like buttons.if you have a simple calculator aplication to show the changes on it , or I'll send you a code to convert and highlight the changes that I sould make.
thanks in advance!!!
Erm, you have ensured that "Enable XP visual styles" is ticked, in Application tab of the project properties, right?
I didn't try this option..

should I change "Enable XP visual styles" at form propertise? can you send a printscreen where that option located? I'll try this option when I get home , but I don't understand why vb net dont change automatically to have the xp like option as default.

I would thank for quick answer
noam309 said:
should I change "Enable XP visual styles" at form propertise?
you need to work that out for yourself

can you send a printscreen where that option located?
i can

I'll try this option when I get home , but I don't understand why vb net dont change automatically to have the xp like option as default.
i dont know.. i turn it off anyway, as the disney look of XP runs against the grain of the professionalism with which the intended audience for my software works

I would thank for quick answer
how very kind! :)
noam309 said:
should I change "Enable XP visual styles" at form propertise? can you send a printscreen where that option located? I'll try this option when I get home , but I don't understand why vb net dont change automatically to have the xp like option as default.

I would thank for quick answer
Right-click on the priject in the solution explorer window, select PRoperties.... it's on one of the tabs there.

As for why it doesn't automaticaly turn it on? It wasn't an option in 2003... it was something that had to be set manualy then the app re-started. In 2005 one no longer needs to do it that way, BUT the converter has no idea if yhou set it in the 2003 project or not, so it can't make that decision for you, so by default it leaves it off.
