convert Console.WriteLine to windows form textbox


New member
Apr 18, 2010
Programming Experience
Hi all
I'm an absolute newb to vb (less than a week) and I'm trying to convert a console app to a windows form.
In the console app, I have this code
Public Sub rconPacketReceive(ByVal fromserver As Boolean, ByVal isresponse As Boolean, ByVal seq As Integer, ByVal words() As String) Handles rconObj.packetIncoming
        Dim w As String = Nothing
        For Each word In words
            w += (" """ & word & """")
            Console.WriteLine("" & word & "")
             Console.WriteLine(String.Format("FromServer={0} | IsResponse={1} | Sequence={2} | Words={3}", New Object() {fromserver, isresponse, seq, Mid(w, 1)}))

What I want is to have this Console.WriteLine displayed in a text box on the form but don't have any idea on how to do it.

Anybody got any ideas?? I've almost ran out of hair to pull out.
To display text in a TextBox you set its Text property. That's one of the first things you'll learn in any tutorial on WinForms apps, so I suggest that you try working through one rather than pulling your hair out.

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