Hi all,
I am trying to design a test page that has multiple qustions. Each question has 4 possible answers. These answers have been assigned to radio buttons so that the user can choose only one answer at a time.
The question: How can I set a control that checks if an answer is choosen? and at the same time if the user didn't make a selecetion at all, how can I warn the user to make a selection? Actualy I have managed to do all these however I was not able warn the user to make a selection and unless a selecetion is being made the user will get the same messege. Here is my code:
Dim status AsBoolean
status = False
WhileNot status
MsgBox ("Please answer questio 1!")
If RadioButton1.Checked = TrueOr RadioButton2.Checked = TrueOr RadioButton3.Checked = TrueOr RadioButton4.Checked = TrueThen
durum = True
MsgBox("You can proceed with question 2")
I am trying to design a test page that has multiple qustions. Each question has 4 possible answers. These answers have been assigned to radio buttons so that the user can choose only one answer at a time.
The question: How can I set a control that checks if an answer is choosen? and at the same time if the user didn't make a selecetion at all, how can I warn the user to make a selection? Actualy I have managed to do all these however I was not able warn the user to make a selection and unless a selecetion is being made the user will get the same messege. Here is my code:
Dim status AsBoolean
status = False
WhileNot status
MsgBox ("Please answer questio 1!")
If RadioButton1.Checked = TrueOr RadioButton2.Checked = TrueOr RadioButton3.Checked = TrueOr RadioButton4.Checked = TrueThen
durum = True
MsgBox("You can proceed with question 2")