Configuration wizard problem?


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
Cambridge, UK
Programming Experience
Hi, got a quick question about this Data Adapter Configuaration Wizard.

Let me explain, i have always and plan to continue to write my own update, delete, insert, and select commands. I dont know why i just prefer to code it myself. But some guys at work were talking about the Configuation Wizard so i decided to give it a go on a databound form. A couple of things that i cant explain happened....

Firstly when i adjusted more than one row and tried to update it raised a concurrency violation, but when i used my own update command it works fine

Secondly i put a datagrid on the from and bound it to the datatable. Then when i tried to adjust a row using a databound control and update it did nothing until i physically moved the row to another row in the datagrid, and again when i tried more than one row it raised the same concurrecy violation. Is there some trick to using this configuration wizard or had i just better stick to writing my own SQL.
Honestly.... and this is just one gnome's opin.... do it yourself. This is the prime reason I dislike some of the design wizards from MS... it tries to do too much.

Having looked at the statements generated by the wizard i tend to agree. But you know when you get one of those niggley little problems that you just have to solve?!!
The SQL code generated by the wizard is complex specifically because it does include additional checks for concurrency issues. It's impossible to say what the specific issue would be in your case without knowing more about it though.