Computer watcher


Nov 8, 2006
Programming Experience
I'm new to dot net ... i'm doing an application ..this app. is for net cafe ..

this program is every 5 seconds is going to fire a sub .. in this sub i'll specify a work group .. this work group has clients .. i want my app. to go to this clients randomly and take a printscreen of the clients randomly each 5 seconds .. and save the picture for me on the server with the name of the client side computer name ... like

if i have on the work group 2 computers one is CL991 and CL992
i want the bitmap to be saved as CL991_001 then CL992_002 ... so when i see a porn picture and i want to stop the user i can know which client is it

Is that possible .... how to access the computers on the specified work group ... and then go to their desktop and take a printscreen ... i don't want a special codes .. all i need is the idea and to know the possibilty

thanks in advance for all
Look into using Remoting for this, there is a discussion here with code sample in post 5 that gets the remote desktop screenshot. (It's Net 2.0 so the easiest would be for you to download the free VB.Net Express and try it out.)