Compare last modified date


Well-known member
Oct 11, 2005
Programming Experience
I am trying to make a script or small program that will compare a certain file's Last Modified date for the current date with the past 30 days Last modified date. I can easily make a program that tells you the files last modified date for the current day, but is there a way to show a file attribute like Date Last Modified from 30 days ago??

Any questions / comments / answers / ideas would be appreciated.
You mean if there exist some kind of versioning or history, like multiple LastModified? No, a file has only got one LastModified property, it is simply the date/time it was last modified.
Ya, I don't think there is a way either. What I'll end up doing is writing a program that goes out at a certain time each day, gets the files last modified date and puts it into a text file or even a small database and stores it for future comparison.
use a FileSystemWatcher to watch for Change events on files. When thye change, and if youre interested in the file, copy it somewhere to maintain a version history..