Commit to VS 2010 now?


Active member
Nov 23, 2009
Programming Experience
I'm just a freelance programmer with no money whatsoever so I won't be able to purchase 2010 when it's released. Is it a bad idea that I'm using the beta exclusively? Will there be a free Express Edition when it's released?

I've already "converted" my current project to 2010 and I'm wondering if I'm stuck and it was a bad idea?
I personally wouldn't commit any serious project to VS 2010, at most what I would do is upgrade a copy of a project to see how it fairs but the development of that project would remain in it's current version of VS and not in VS 2010.

I would wait until VS 2010 isn't in beta and it's officially released before committing anything to it. Even when it has gone RTM I would wait until a few months worth of fixes have been released before diving on it.

Given that they have a VS 2005 Express editions and VS 2008 Express editions, I would wager a guess that they'll have 2010 Express editions as well.