Question commenting code in custom functions


Active member
Nov 25, 2010
Programming Experience
hey guys

So im making dll file (well not actually dll files but, just classes.. but that dosn't change the problem..)

So i want to comment my functions, so i know how to add the description --> just adding 3x '''

but now i have problem with adding now line in the comments..

i read everything in This url, but how can i make it in new line, so that every <list> item is displayed in new line, like this:

some main description<new line here>
Function returns: <new line here>
value 1 <new line here>
value 2 <tow lines here>

some other info
Hey guys.

Hope you can help me..
My problem is this, that i write custom classes (for speeding up my coding, by simpleing funnctions for me) and when i write description i run in to a problem with getting the text in new line, for example, when i use the class:



Public Class Class1

    ''' <summary>
    ''' Some description:
    ''' item 1
    ''' item 2
    ''' item 3
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <returns></returns>
    ''' <remarks></remarks>
    Public Shared Function aaa()
        Return False
    End Function
End Class

What do i need to add after item 1, item 2 and item 3 to show them each in new line, not the way it shows in picture above (in one line) :(

P.S. Sorry i posted in wrong section the other day.. my bad :(
The <summary> is supposed to be a short description of the method's purpose. What you're talking about should be done in the <remarks> section, which will be formatted in HTML-based documentation.
sorry, but i dont understand..
What i wanted is to format the function description (image in 1st post) so user, who uses my class, can easy understand what the function is for. And i need to format it that it shows up (LIKE IN IMAGE ABOVE) with new lines for items... cos the <remark> dosnt shows up, when i use the function..

May be im spelling out my problem incorrectly..
It's not possible. The tool tip displayed in the IDE will only display a single line, which is what the <summary> is supposed to be. It's called <summary> for a reason: it's supposed to summarise. If the user needs details then they should read your full documentation, which will include the <remarks> and everything else.