Question combobox problem in axbrowser


New member
Sep 12, 2013
Programming Experience
I have a webpage in which three combobox are there with some values.
I am accessing that webpage from a windows application ( using AxWebBrowser.

I am iterating those three comboboxes from windows application and getting the result with it.
Now the problem is in future the comboboxes may change in number. Means they may be 2 or 4.
So I want general (dynamic) solution for it. Please help me.Thanks in advance.


  • web.txt
    1.9 KB · Views: 19
  • windowsvb.txt
    4.7 KB · Views: 21
There is no general solution, and that's the main issue with screen-scraping. If you have no control over the page then there's nothing you can do. It's best to find elements by ID but even they are prone to change so there's really nothing you can do to guarantee that your code will work if the page changes. That's why you should use a web service rather than a web site if at all possible.