ComboBox Collections


Mar 10, 2007
Programming Experience
Howdy all,

I have various comboboxes on seperate forms that I want say an administrator of the program to be able to change or add through a form.

Lets say that on UF007 (my form) I have a combobox called UF007_ComB_CreditCards and in the Items Collection I have 5 different types of credit cards. Now if the administrator ever wants to add or edit another credit card type there is a seperate form that they can go that enables them to select the combobox, select an item from that comboboxes items then edit or add to to the comboboxes items collection.

My question is fairly simple - how the heck to do I do that? The adding of an item is not a real biggy, I get that, but it's actually the updating of an already existing item that has me a little stuffed. Do I just cycle through the items collection and delete it, then add a new item? Or can I actually just edit the text of the item in question?

Any thoughts or help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
do you basically mean editing existing items in a list?

if so i think:

ComboBox.Items.Item("2") = ("new text")

should work, where 2 is the index of the target item in the combobox?