Question combo box inside a datagridview


New member
Feb 22, 2012
Programming Experience
If I have a form with a combo box placed in just a simple form, I will be able to say:
For example:
if combobox.text = "form2" then
End if
but since I want to put a combo box inside a datagridview in order to display form2, my code will be written in a different way and I don't know how to write a code for that way.
I just need a way to say if "John" is selected in the combobox of the datagridview then show form2
Under what circumstances? Obviously the whole point of the grid is to have multiple rows, so what row will you be checking and when? Where has the data come from? How was the grid populated?
For example here are two forms so I would like the total for each person to be calculated and displayed every time I click on the total button.
Here is what I have when the form loads:

combobox.items.add ("Jonh")
combobox.items.add ("Steven")
combobox.items.add ("Paula")

Um, the question you're asking in post #3 is not the same question you're asking in post #1. It is, however, the same question you have asked in a completely separate thread that I have already replied to. Please work out what it is that you want to know and describe that problem to us fully and clearly. Also, please keep each thread to a single topic and each topic to a single thread. If what you've said in post #3 is what you actually want then why have you created two threads for the same question?