Combo Box Databinding issue


Well-known member
Apr 9, 2011
Programming Experience
Hi guys, this is hard for me to explain so took a few pics

am looking the details from a table, so changed the table from DataGridView to Details and 'Drag & Dropped' so i haven't done any data binding myself!
i want the user to select a name from the combo box and it will put the info into lables for my app to pass onto a word doc. (they do change to the correct info when the name is changed)
the rest of the details will be hidden at runtime in a group box. If anyone knoes of a better way to do this, i am up for suggestions.


my problem is the name is getting messed up in the list.

the first image the first selection which if fine, but the second image, is when the user has selected a name and goes to change it.
the selected Name eg row 2 then replaces the name of row 2.

in the third image shows the issue better i think.

what has happened would appear

User Selects A Name(all rows changed), But the name has replaced the name in row(0) with the selected row(1) name.
if the user then changes the name again. then the selected row(7) has replaced the name of the last selected row(1).

has anyone encountered this issue before or anyone even have an idea of whats going on, i dont have any code as the databinding was done by the IDE.

thanks for any help in advance

CB Issue.png