Coding Questions?

Jan 17, 2011
Programming Experience
I have a ton of questions that I cant seem to figure out in regards to VB Script.
Hopefully someone can help me, or give me the resources to help.

1. How do you convert text in a text box to Upper Case?
2. How do you write the code to display messages in a Label box?
3. How do you check for numeric values?
4. How do you check for an empty string and find the length?
5. How do you extract a substring?

Any other help you can give me regarding tutorials or online reference materials (particularly just coding) it would be greatly appreciated.
I have a ton of questions that I cant seem to figure out in regards to VB Script.
Code is only called "script" when it's written in a scripting language, i.e. one that is interpreted directly from text. If a language is compiled then the code is not called "script". It's source code, or just code. VBScript is a different language to VB.NET.

Assuming that you are indeed talking about VB and not VBScript, your questions are all very elementary and all that sort of thing is covered by any good beginners tutorial. Instead of learning by trial and error, find a good tutorial and work your way through it. This is just one example:

Microsoft Visual Basic .NET tutorials for Beginners