
Sep 8, 2008
League City, TX
Programming Experience
I had been using Express before I got Visual Studio 2008. I started the program I have been working on with the express edition then I finished it with Visual Studio. I have also been working on my program on two different machines. One day a new file showed up in the project with an extension .pfx. Since I didn't know what it was I naturally ERASED it! I found I can still deploy the program by creating a Setup Wizard and that worked out pretty well.

Now I cannot PUBLISH the program because I ERASED the KEY!:eek:

I unchecked the Sign the ClickOnce manifests and unchecked the ClickOnce security settings, but everytime I try to Publish they check theirselves back!! And then I get an error, something about Capicom being in the same directory with Sign something. But I think the real problem is that I deleted the key.

Perhaps I don't even need to worry about this because I had no problems deploying the application on my website as an msi file.

How can I fix the problem of not being able to publish and why do I even need to worry about it?

Thanks for helping a novice at
In the Signing tab click "Create Test Certificate", that was what you deleted, a test certificate.
Re: ClickOnce

Thanks for your reply. That did not help. I get the same two errors.

1. Cannot publish because a project failed to build.
2.An error occurred while signing: Failed to sign bin\Release\app.publish\\setup.exe. SignTool Error: Signtool requires CAPICOM version or higher. Please copy the latest version of CAPICOM.dll into the directory that contains SignTool.exe. If CAPICOM.dll exists, you may not have proper permissions to install CAPICOM.

CAPICOM.dll and SignTool.exe both exist in C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\bin

CAPICOM.dll is version
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Beats me, perhaps there is a problem with your VS and/or .Net installation? Try to install this: Platform SDK Redistributable: CAPICOM, I haven't needed this so I don't know if you need to register it manually also as described here.
Thank you very much.

I followed your suggestion. I downloaded and installed CAPICOMM I also as an extra precaution followed the advise about registering capicom.dll and got message DllRegisterServer in capicom.dll succeeded.

This has been completely successful. Now when I publish as long as 'Sign the ClickOnce Manifests' is unchecked, then it now successfully publishes whereas before when I attempted to publish it would recheck that option all by itself and fail to publish. Also I registered the certificate it had listed in the 'Trusted Root Certificates Store' and now it publishes correctly with ClickOnce enabled.

I am not sure how things got out of whack but everything is OK now. I sincerely appreciate your help. I guess I'll be careful what I delete in the future. Also, I think I need to be extra careful when if I am working on the same project and moving it between two computers.
This has been completely successful.
I guess I'll be careful what I delete in the future.
One have to be cautious, but the file you deleted should not have caused any problems, I can do the same and create new test certificates (or not sign) with a default VB2008 installation.

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