Classes of Controls


Sep 22, 2010
Programming Experience
I hope someone can help me out.

I'm creating a program where I have a Tab Control with 7 Tab Pages, On each tab page i Want to call out my "Class"(classMeals) I created . It consists of many controls I call Dynamically depending on other variables. I also call for functions in my class which dictates its properties of my controls and one of the functions dictates which Tab page it goes to.

These 7 tab pages i made is actually the whole week ie: Sunday,Monday,.... ;

Im a bit confused because I need to make Six weeks as at a given point there can be six weeks in a month.

I made a form(frmMeals) with Six buttons (Week One,Week Two ...)but all call upon the same form (frmWeeks ---Where my TabControl is at). Now My question is, is there any way to make my code easier as in making a Class(classWEEKLY) that creates 7 objects of (ClassMeals----Sunday,Monday,Tuesday....) or should i make a Form for each Week?

Or better Yet, If I make my Class(classWeekly) that has 7 objects of (classMeals)... When I go about making an object(WeekOne) of classWeekly inside Form_Load() how can I be able to call for functions from classMeals from my Object(WeekOne)?

Sorry if its confusing. My program is getting a bit complicated
I'm bit confused while reading your question. It would be better, if you explain what you want to do; instead of what you did.