Class Instantiation using WITH property argument - (Object Initilization)


New member
Dec 29, 2011
Programming Experience
I'm pretty sure that assigning properties in the with section of a class instantiation is BYVAL. Can anyone verify that?

ex) Dim FileProcess As New FileProcessor With {.Tracing = myTracing, .ProcessingTime = FileProcessingDelay}

I don't want to create a new object (.Tracing).

In the following example, I know for sure I'm passing in byref because that's the signature of the constructor.
ex) Dim FileProcess as new FileProcessor (myTracing) With {.ProcessingTime = FileProcessingDelay}

Public Class FileProcessor
Friend Sub New (byref Tracer as TraceObject)
End Sub
End Class

You describe TraceObject as an object, and at the same time say it behaves like a value, which is it? I'm guessing you have wrongly defined TraceObject as a Structure, a value type.
Assignment always creates a copy, for value types it creates a copy of the value, for reference types it creates a copy of the reference.
About ByRef, that is a parameter passing mechanism which sole purpose is to enable the method to change the variable the caller passes in, be it a value or an object.