Question Class freezes on instantiation, can't debug.


New member
Oct 3, 2008
Programming Experience
I have am working on some code I wrote years ago, but I'm having a problem. The app consists of a vb.Net form, and some vb classes I wrote. The form_Load event handler initializes some objects, including an instance of my "AudioClass", which is in a separate vb file, by using the "new" keyword. The AudioClass has a "sub new(...)" constructor.

I put breakpoints in the Form_Load" and the "Sub New" constructor. As I step through the code in the "Load" method, I get to the "new AudioClass(...)" call. So I "step into" that call. There's a delay, and then the ide changes from "debuggung" mode to "running" mode. The debugger never gets into the "sub new(...)" routine. The app just continues "running" in the background until I click the "stop" button in the ide.

The AudioClass declares several private objects of classes in the DirectSound namespace. I wonder if there's a conflict. My current machine is configured as follows:

Win 7 Ultimate SP1
VS 2010 Pro SP1
DirectX SDK June 2010

The original (working) code was developed on Win XP (don't remember which version of VS)