Checking if a Form is loaded

I found information regarding this from internet and works fine.

Public Function IsFormOpen(ByVal sender As String) As Boolean
Return ((From f In My.Application.OpenForms.Cast(Of Form)() _
Where f.Name.Equals(sender) Select f.Name).ToList.Count > 0)
End Function

And I called like this

If IsFormOpen("Form1") Then
MsgBox("it's open!")
MsgBox("it's not open!")
End If
If you're going to use LINQ then this would be more appropriate:
Return My.Application.OpenForms.Cast(Of Form)().Any(Function(f) f.Name = sender)
I don't think that 'sender' is an appropriate name for that parameter mind you. Also, I'd consider it far better to use a type rather than a String to specify the form you're looking for:
Public Function IsFormOpen(Of TForm As Form)() As Boolean
    Return My.Application.OpenForms.OfType(Of TForm)().Any()
End Function
If IsFormOpen(Of Form1)() Then
    MessageBox.Show("A Form1 instance is open.")
    MessageBox.Show("There is no Form1 instance open.")
End If
Having said all that, I'm still interested to know the context because I doubt that that is really the best way to handle what you want to do.