Changing DataGrid row attribute based on query result


Aug 27, 2007
Washington, DC
Programming Experience
Hi. I work in law enforcement. I built a web appilication for our In-Crusier PCs to pull data from our Pre-trial Booking tables for those offenders who have jumped bail and have had a Bench Warrant issued for their arrest. This application then pulls the corresponding picture of the offender from our Mug-Shot table. The user will select a name, and will receive a page with the picture and the corresponding charge and warrant info.

The problem is that I have no way of identifying the more serious offenders (AWDW, Sex Offenses, etc) from the less serious (Disorderly Conducts, DUI, Minor Assault, etc.). I have a table which contains a code that tells one from the other. What I want to add to this app is a sequence that will bounce the charge column in each of the data records that will populate the DataGrid off my charge table. And if the charge is of the more serious nature, then turn either the whole row's color attribute to red, or preferably one or two of the columns.

That way the user will be immediately able to tell the difference between the more serious offenders we want to get back under lock and key first and the other offenders.

Can anyone point me in the right direction to solve this?
My bad... I actually meant the GridView control not the DataGridView control. The DataGridView control doesn't give a SELECT button like the GridView control provides.

I tried doing it using the DataGridView control in the way of the example you cited, but it didn't really work the way I thought it would. That's how I figured out I goofed on the control name I specified in the first post.
Hmm really confusing, if you want help for web development ask in relevant forum of ASP.Net section or Web Grids forum.