Question change video size of windowsmediaplayer ActiveX


New member
Feb 21, 2008
Programming Experience
Hi All,

I have a VB.NET application that uses the AXWindowMediaPlayer ActiveX to embed mpg videos to my application.

I have used the Play/pause/stop Ctlcontrols a lot but now i am stuck as i needed to change the video size of the playing video from 100 to 200%
hence my Questions:
- How can i by code change the video size of the video being played? by Video size i do not mean the control's size.. but the Video being played inside it. for example, i could want the videos to play at 200% and not at 100%.
- Is there a way to check the dimensions of the video being played so that i can by code change the video size if required as per the video. :)

Hope somebody can help.. i am stuck at this and NEED a solution.

Thanks to all!