Change Field Properties With Query?


New member
Nov 14, 2007
Programming Experience
I have an access db with a field, that fields current field size is long int, and the 'format' is set to null, i need an SQL query (or a way to change it from VB.NET code) to change these two field properties, to double and percent respectively. I know how to do this from access itself, but i have client db's already in existence, and I cant go get all of them and open them in access, so this has to be done from a query or through some VB.NET function.
additional info

I understand how to change from int to double like this:

ALTER TABLE tblJobSpecs2 ALTER COLUMN Utilityn1 double;

but if i try to change the 'Format' with:

ALTER TABLE tblJobSpecs2 ALTER COLUMNUtilityn1 Format Percent;

I get an error... I know this is simple, but I just havent found how to do it.