Catching cell text changes - DGV


Well-known member
Feb 28, 2006
South Africa
Programming Experience
Righto. I need to case a cell to see if its numerical. if it is then cool, if it isnt then I must reselect the cell and force the user to enter in a numerical value. Okay, I've found a lot of ways to catch the change, the problem is I hve no idea how to stay in the cell. I've tried at least 5 different things but each time either the order of events cancels what I do or I get a reentry error. I have no clue how to get around this and would really appreciate some help!
Going to the link now. Will post feedback now now. Just a random note...... Is it a DEcrease in speed or an INcrease in speed... your sig isn't clear?

Saw site, its based on DG rather than DGV but method still applies. The main thing is I need to know which event(s) to add code to. The code itself is the easy part, the events are a bastard though