Caspol security issue


New member
Feb 6, 2007
Programming Experience
I am building a command line application ( 2003 - 1.1) that I would like to be installable (via a download from a php script) without having to touch the machine to run the "trust an assembly" wizard.

I have looked into running caspol to tell it to trust the executable. Caspol requires that the module have a strong name. I have generated a key and tried to include it in the assembly, but the application also relies on a third party dll that does not have a strong name, so I am unable to build with a strong name. I have tried using tlbimp to create a wrapper for the dll with a strong name, but am unable to get that to work (really don't know what I am doing with that, just tried to follow suggestions in an article I googled).

Is there a way other than caspol to allow me to trust the assembly from the command line? If not, how can I get a strong name for the 3rd party dll so that I can get caspol to handle my application?

