Case-sensitive Email Filtering & Moving Emails Messages on Exchange Server


Well-known member
Mar 10, 2010
Programming Experience
What is new in this release?

We are pleased to announce the release of Aspose.Email for .NET 4.7.0 . This release includes some important enhancements such as Case-sensitive email filtering in email clients, setting timezone on Exchange task, Improved rendering options to MHTML, move items on Exchange Server, Provision of body compression, creating TNEF MailMessage from MapiMessage and severla bug fixes as well. The API?s email clients ? IMAP, POP3 and EWS ? already provide the capability to retrieve emails from servers based on filter criteria. This feature has been further improved by case-sensitive filtering for all these clients. The Exchange Web Service (EWS) client offered by Aspose.Email provides the capability of working with Exchange tasks. This month?s release further improves this functionality by specifying the time zone for the client as well as the Exchange task. Aspose.Email can render emails to MHTML format. This month?s release further improves this functionality by providing the capability of writing the To, From, CC and BCC fields to the output. This enables developers to control the output as per requirements during conversion of email messages to MHTML. This month?s release brings further improvements to the functionality of moving email messages from one folder to another folder. The earlier versions of the Aspose.Email API required users to manually write the exact destination folder URI for such purpose. Now, this operation requires only the source message URI and destination folder URI statement. Aspose.Email now makes it possible to reduce the message size by using RTF body compression. This allows developers to create a smaller size PST, though at the cost of speed. If speed is desired, then set the UseBodyCompression property to false to turn compression off. Outlook MSG files sometimes contain information such as tables and text styles that may get disturbed when converted to EML. Creating TNEF messages from such MSG files allows developers to retain the formatting and even sending such messages via the email clients. The InterpretAsTnef property is used to achieve this. This month?s release also fixes a number of bugs that were reported with our last month?s version. Fixing these further improves the overall functionality of the API. The main bug fixes, new & improved features added in this release are listed below

- This feature would allow to create TNEF MailMessage from MapiMessage and send messages by mail clients
- ExchangeClient: Improvement in MoveItem method
- Add case-sensitive filtering for Imap client.
- Add case-sensitive filtering for Pop3 client.
- Add case-sensitive filtering for Exchange client.
- Exchange: Provide the capability to set Timezone on Exchange Task
- Setting Exchange Format address in SenderEmailAddress property gives error
- MSG attachment class changes from IPM.Note.Templates.Oof.Microsoft to - IPM.Note while sending to EWS
- WriteCompleteEmailAddressToMht writes additional unwanted email address
- MapiMessage created with MapiRecepient doesn't open in Outlook is fixed
- Message with Empty subject when added to PST doesn't open in Outlook is fixed
- Contact Notes formatting issues are fixed for comma and colon when added to PST
- MapiMessage to MailMessage removes the Table and disturbs Text formatting style in table is fixed
- Bayesian DB of SpamAnalyzer contains NaN values of probabilities when training filter only by not spam is now fixed.
- Creating PST is improved using AE 4.6, it was slower than AE 4.5.0
- Appointment saved using Aspose.Email converts Hebrew characters to Gibbrish
- Fixed: Resaving ICS shows differences in output
- Pop3Client doens't work with Hotmail after Aspose.Email 4.2 is now fixed
- EML->MSG: Attachments names change issue is resolved
- Some named properties stripped while reading a message from PST
- AppendMessage() to EWS changes the message date to current date is fixed
- Message created by AE saved in wrong mailbox sent folder after sending is fixed
- Appointment time differ while saving EML->EML using MailMessage is fixed
- OLE Attachments issue is fixed was not managed properly with Aspose.Email
- Resaving MSG file using Aspose.Email causes the embedded image to be lost

Other most recent bug fixes are also included in this release.

Newly added documentation pages and articles

Some new tips and articles have now been added into Aspose.Email for .NET documentation that may guide you briefly how to use Aspose.Email for performing different tasks like the followings.

- Bayesian Spam Analyzer
- Filtering Messages from POP3 Mailbox Based on Sender, Recipient or Date

Overview: Aspose.Email for .NET

Aspose.Email for .NET is a set of components allowing developers to easily implement email functionality within their ASP.NET web applications, web services & Windows applications. It Supports Outlook PST, EML, MSG & MHT formats. It allows developers to work with SMTP, POP, FTP & MS Exchange servers. It supports mail merge, iCalendar, customized header & body, header information, embedded files, Twitter & many more. It makes it easy to work with HTML or plain text emails & their attachments.

More about Aspose.Email for .NET

- Homepage of Aspose.Email for .NET C#
- Download Aspose.Email for .NET
- Online documentation of Aspose.Email for .NET
- Demos of Aspose.Email for .NET

Contact Information

Aspose Pty Ltd
Suite 163, 79 Longueville Road
Lane Cove, NSW, 2066
Aspose - Your File Format Experts
Phone: 888.277.6734
Fax: 866.810.9465

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