Can't get my date query to return expected values


Well-known member
Jun 10, 2007
Redcar, England
Programming Experience
Hi There,

I have 2 jobs in my database with the following start dates:

17/09/2007 00:00:00
17/09/2007 23:59:59

I have a query with the following code:

SELECT Job_Number, Start_Date
FROM         WS_Jobs
WHERE     (Start_Date BETWEEN @Param1 AND @Param2)

Problem is if I have the following parameters:

Param1 = 17/09/2007
Param2 = 17/09/2007

It only returns the second job (With time of 23:59:59)

How can I get it to recognise that 17/09/2007 00:00:00 is in the range?

Even if I have the following parameters, it still doesn't show that job;
Param1 = 16/09/2007 23:59:59
Param2 = 17/09/2007 23:59:59

Anyone have any ideas?


I think this has been mentioned before on other threads.

Not sure if this was the answer, but use something like

WHERE (Start_Date >= @Param1) and (Start_Date <= @Param2)

you can then change whether you need the "equal to" part or not...this is how I do my date queries and everything seems to be OK with mine...
How can I get it to recognise that 17/09/2007 00:00:00 is in the range?
Use an operator that is inclusive. BETWEEN is exclusive. If I asked you for all the numbers BETWEEN 1 and 5, you should say to me "2, 3, 4"

Even if I have the following parameters, it still doesn't show that job;
Param1 = 16/09/2007 23:59:59
Param2 = 17/09/2007 23:59:59
It ought to show the first, but not the second, with these params

Anyone have any ideas?

Never use BETWEEN for dates. Use proper operators that are not ambiguous in meaning :) like arg81 advises
you can then change whether you need the "equal to" part or not...this is how I do my date queries and everything seems to be OK with mine...

In our business, we define date ranges as

start <= x < end

this ensures no overlap for dates that fall on the boundaries